World News

Muslim father burns his daughter for converting to Christianity

A 19-year-old girl in Uganda converted to Christianity, and because of this, her father burned her with a hot iron. He demanded that she leave Christianity, after which her relatives abandoned her in the wilderness. A Christian man heard her cry for help and rescued the young girl.

A 19-year-old girl named Naasike Maliyati from Nampologoma, Butaleja District, Uganda, converted to Christianity after attending an evangelistic crusade while visiting her grandmother. Her Muslim father did not welcome her conversion.

As she returned from church service, her father, Abdulrahim Kutosi, and her uncles were already waiting for her. In an interview with Morning Star News, Maliyati described how she was tortured.

They tied me up, beat me, and finally my dad picked up a hot flat iron and hot water and burned me [on the buttocks] and shouted loudly that I was an embarrassment to the family. I was burnt for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, as my father furiously continued shouting that I had shamed the family. He continued saying that even Allah is annoyed with me as the pain continued inside my body.”

After the father’s threats and his ordering her to stop attending church, her uncles brought her to the wilderness on a motorcycle and abandoned her. However, a Christian man, Nicolas Ndobooli, heard her cries for help and rescued her. He took the young girl to the hospital and paid for her medical care.

Source: Christian Daily

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