Persecuted Armenian Christians face military offensive

Persecuted Armenian Christians living in Nagorno-Karabakh—a disputed territory located north of Iran are under siege. A neighbouring Muslim country, Azerbaijan, has blockaded the main supply road to the region, cutting off those living in Nagorno-Karabakh of energy, food and other essentials.
Azerbaijan has initiated a military offensive to take control of the disputed region and ultimately oust the believers from the area.
“A really serious situation has unfolded here,” says Ruben, a frightened resident in the territory. “Azerbaijan has started a full-scale military operation against 120,000 inhabitants.”
Social media footage appears to confirm the report, showing audible shelling in an area that is home to many vulnerable believers—including thousands of children, pregnant women and the elderly.
It’s believed that the violent military offensive has already claimed the lives of multiple civilians, though Azerbaijan reports it is only targeting separatist forces. Today, the Armenian separatists agreed to surrender to achieve a cease-fire.
Azerbaijan has demonstrated that it is willing to use brute force to take control of Nagorno-Karabakh. And the Armenian Christians residing there, 120,000 in number, may face a difficult and uncertain future—living under the rule of a nation that is 96% Muslim.
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Armenian Christians suffered a brutal genocide in the early 1900’s, when an estimated 1 million+ people were subjected to displacement, forcible conversions, starvation, massacres and more—a past that still haunts the nation. Now many in Nagorno-Karabakh are facing an uncertain future again, but we know the God of all things—past and present. Will you join us in praying for the persecuted Armenian Christians now?