World News

ISIS video shows twelve-year-old executing Nigerian soldiers


According to Sahara reporters, ISIS has released a video showing a 12-year-old member of ISWAP (Islamic State’s West Africa Province), executing two Nigerian soldiers.

In the video, the soldiers were shot dead by the child using an AK-47.

“The video which was called ‘Makers of Epic Battles’ also covered other attacks from ISWAP’s spring campaign in Borno and Yobe states in 2021,” reported the news source.

Terrorist groups such as ISWAP have killed tens of thousands of Christians in Nigeria and displaced millions in an attempt to discard western influence and impose strict Islamic Sharia law.

“ISWAP, which split from the mainstream Boko Haram in 2016, has become a dominant group, focusing on military targets and high-profile attacks, including against aid workers.” Wrote Sahara Reporters, “The Nigerian army has repeatedly claimed that the insurgency has been largely defeated and frequently underplays any losses.”

ISWAP often tries to radicalize those whom they have taken captive. If they are unable to, they may use them as slaves, suicide bombers, or ransom them back to family and friends. Often, those who are taken do not ever return to their homes or families.


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