Pope Francis on Statio Orbis: “The Hungarian President asked me not to let get lost Christian Hungary”

On Sunday, the 12th of September, Pope France celebrated the final mass on the fifty-second International Eucharistic Congress, which was organised in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.
Pope Francis encouraged Catholics at the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest to spend more time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to become more like Christ.
“Dear brothers and sisters, let us allow our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist to transform us, just as it transformed the great and courageous saints you venerate,” Pope Francis said in his homily in Hungary on Sept. 12.
“We do well to spend time in adoration before the Eucharist in order to contemplate God’s weakness. Let’s make time for adoration,” the pope said.
Pope Francis is the first pope to attend an International Eucharistic Congress since the year 2000. He offered the closing Mass for a crowd of nearly one hundred thousand gathered in Heroes’ Square in Budapest.
The Pope also met with Hungarian President, Jámos Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
Source: CNA
Photo: MTI