World News

Catholic church desecrated in Colombia

colombia, Bogota

On the 12th of December, unidentified vandals broke into the church of Our Lady of Valvanera in Pitalito, Colombia, smashed the tabernacle and threw consecrated hosts on the ground.


The vandals stole the ciborium, the monstrance, and other items from the church.

“In the name of the Catholic Church, I raise my voice in protest and condemnation for the desecration of the church and the tabernacle,” Bishop Fabio Duque Jaramillo of Garzón said in a statement Tuesday.

He called the desecration “an act which wounds all Catholics of the Diocese of Garzón and the universal Church, because we see the central mystery of our faith under attack: the Eucharist, the presence of God in our midst and the extension of the mystery of human redemption.”

The bishop said the desecration was a “serious violation of the people’s religious rights,” and he called on the government to investigate and prosecute the criminals. Civil authorities should “not underestimate the damage these attacks have on the feelings and faith of Catholics,” he said.

Source: Catholic News Agency

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