Planned Parenthood? Three million abortions in the last decade

Statistics from Planned Parenthood activities during the last decade show the disturbing reality behind the innocent facade of the organization. Between 2010 and 2018, PP not only increased its total yearly amount of perpetrated abortions but also diminished its providing of true health care while at the same time increasing gaining $1,017,800,000 in excess revenue over expenses.
Over the course of the past decade (from 2010 to 2018), the abortion giant Planned Parenthood perpatrated 35 percent of the total number of abortions taking place in the USA (2,970,388 of the nearly 7.7 million U.S. abortions reported during that period of time). In the meantime, the organization received nearly $5 billion ($4,982,500,000) from U.S. taxpayers.
It is worth noticing that from 2010 and 2018, the amount of genuine health care provided by PP like cancer screenings, breast exams, Pap tests and prenatal services decreased in all cases by 65 percent or more. On the other hand, the total amount of abortions increased by five percent.
Planned Parenthood’s assets also grew significantly in this time frame. In his book Power Grab, former Representative Jason Chaffet writes that PP’s “endowment funds were valued at almost $88 million in 2013 and had grown to over $157 million in their 2016 financial report”. PP also accumulated $1,017,800,000 in excess revenue between 2010 1nd 2018, which represents an overall rise of over 34 percent.
Besides these revealing figures, let us remember that the PP’s reputation suffered from several scandals in the last decade. Child sexual abuse cover up, sex or race-selective abortions and trafficking of aborted baby body parts are just a few examples of the sordid activities PP has been involved in during the past ten years.