5000 participants at the yearly football fans pilgrimage to Jasna Góra

On Saturday January 11, 5000 people participated in the 12th edition of the football fans community’s pligrimage to Jasna Góra in Southern Poland. Participants were commemorating national heroes and praying for their homeland, Europe and the world.
It is the famous Lechia Gdańsk fan Tadeusz Duffek who came up with the idea of organizing a yearly pilgrimage of the supporters’ community to Jasna Góra. Every year, several thousand people gather together in order to walk and pray together during the event.
This year’s edition was commemmorating the 100th anniversary of the battle of Warsaw. In 1920, the Polish army defeated the Bolshevik troops against all odds and prevented communist totalitarianism from taking up Europe.
One of the key participants is archbishop Andrzej Dziega who explained that “as a Polish family, we try to be faithful to Christ, faithful to the Gospel. Although we have many weaknesses and flaws, sins, as a nation, we never wanted to turn our hearts away from God”.
The archbishop emphasized that “there are not the borders of countries, languages, they are not even the borders of denominations, rites or religion but, as Pope Francis emphasizes, these are the borders between human hearts. (…) “You will know people of great heart because they always want to do something good, not for themselves, but for others.”
He went on explaining that “each of us is not accidental at this time and in this generation, because God knows that if we combine our thoughts and hands, our will and our hearts, the whole world can be organized in God’s way and full of human order and harmony” (…) Participants of the football fans community ‘s pilgrimage were encouraged to pray for the unity in their homeland, Europe and the world.
Source: www.pch24.pl
Image: wyborcza.pl