Tag: El Salvador

Four martyrs beatified

On the 23rd of January of 2022, four martyrs were beatified in El Salvador.

Four martyrs of El Salvador to be beatified

The four men will be beatified on the 22nd of January.

Today is the 104th anniversary of the birth of Óscar Romero

Today we remember of Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero, the first saint of El Salvador.

Hospital chapel dedicated to Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero

On the occasion of the 41st anniversary of his martyrdom, the place where he died was renamed after him.

El-Salvador: A former colonel was imprisoned for killing five Jesuits in 1989

The Jesuit priests in El-Salvador were working on fomenting peace between the two sides during the civil war.

The parish priest murdered in La Majada, El Salvador was buried

"Nobody is exempt... It is something that seems to have no solution, but we have to face this drama"