Tag: anti-Chiristian acts

A priest was attacked by a group of youngsters in France

Ther assailants fled hurling anti-Christian insults

Two men urinated and defacated inside a German church

They also tried to break the offertory box.

The doors of a church have been glued together in a German town

The police were alerted and started an investigation to find the ones responsible for the vandalistic act.

A Catholic church has been vandalised in Germany

The property damage is estimated to be in the four-digit euro range.

A van belonging to a Catholic help group has been vandalised with graffiti

It is the 7th time that a vehicule belonging to the Catholic help organisation has been targeted by such vandalism.

A German Catholic church has been severely vandalised

People taking care of the church were shocked by the incident.

A serial church thief has been caught in Italy

The culprit was being helped by his wife in these disgraceful acts.