The world’ biggest Christian channel praised the Hungary Helps Program

The world biggest Christian media network, the EWTN’ news showcased the Hungary Helps Program.
The humanitarian projects of the Hungarian Government were presented by Tristan Azbej, who afterwards on the American channel highlighted: Hungary is a growing donor country on the field of humanitarian aid, where the main focus is to aid the persecuted Christian communities and other religious minorities.
Hungary’ humanitarian aid program for the persecuted Christians has a message – said the State Secretary.
As he said: many voluntarily misinterpret the program. When Hungary aid Christian organisation, churches, then it does not only help the Christian citizens, but also help to elevate other religious groups as well.
He pointed out: there are anti-Christian political movements, who want to deny the fact, that nowadays Christianity is the most persecuted religion on the planet. In their fake narrative there is no place for truth. He underlined: the persecuted Christian communities deserve all the help, that we can provide from the West.
With upcoming Iraqi visit of Pope Francis’ the State secretary said: the journey will have a historical depth to it. The Iraqi Christians have suffered many losses, also they feel, they have been left behind, the world doesn’t care for them, the so called Christian West didn’t come their aid.
It was mentioned in the program: the Hungarian Government volunteered, that it will help the persecuted Christians worldwide. The Hungary Help Program projects are all around in Africa and also in the Middle-East.