Tag: Poland

A Way of the Cross has been vandalised in Poland

Because of the extent of the damage, it was thought that the act was committed by more than one person.

Four statues of the Virgin Mary have been vandalised in Polish villages

The acts of vandalism took place right before Easter

Jadwiga of Poland: the beatified Hungarian Queen of Poland

Jadwiga was the first female monarch of the Kingdom of Poland, reigning from the 16th of October 1384 until her death.

Church burglar arrested in Poland

Vandalism and burglary targeting churches have been on the rise in Poland for the last decade.

Poland shows massive generosity and solidarity with Ukraine amid ongoing war

More than 60% of the 110 Poland Baptist churches are responding to the needs of Ukrainian refugees.

Minnesota churches pack thousands of meals for Ukrainians stusck by war

The meal-packing last Saturday is not a standalone event, but rather a regular occurrence.

Churches near Ukrainian border shelter thousands of refugees

The Polish Baptist Union hopes to house as many as 1,000 refugees.

The Brazilian government joined the Hungary Helps Program

Brasil is the 6th country to join the Hungary Helps Program.