Tag: Poland

Consecrated hosts were stolen from a Polish church

Two ciboria went missing from the tabernacle.

Acts of vandalism were reported in three Polish churches

Church vandalism is becoming all too common across Poland.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: the guardian angel of persecuted Christians

Bonhoeffer's most famous act of resistance was his involvement in the failed plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944.

A religious painting was severely damaged in a Polish town

The vandal was arrested and taken in custody.

A wave of violence against Christians can be observed in Poland

77 incidents of attacks against Christians were reported in Poland for the year 2022.

A priest was locked out and his church vandalised in a Polish town

The losses made by the perpetrators were estimated at several thousand zlotys.

A statue of Saint John Paul II was vandalised in Poland

"The surveillance footage has been secured," the police assured.

Objects representing Saint John Paul II were vandalised in a Polish church

Poland has been facing severe attacks on Saint John Paul II in the last few weeks.

A vandal drowned a statue of Jesus in the baptismal font of a Polish church

The police are looking for the perpetrator and appeal for help in finding him.