
Christian Persecution in a Nutshell

For what reason does it even matter for us, to shed light on persecuted Christians? Is it brotherhood? Or some kind of obligation to fulfill?

Though the answer is not completely clear for several reasons, one thing is for sure. In such an interconnected and interdependent globalised world we live in, responsibility is getting bigger, especially if our brother’s and sister’s lifes are at stake. 

One of the most trusted and reliable watchdog on persecuted Christians is Open Doors, which in it’s annual report shows how many persecuted chritians forced to live under oppression and are facing with extreme difficulties due to the lack of freedom of religious expression.

Based on this report, we are also trying to draw attention on the lives of those, who suffer the most, and by doing so, we also try to help in a certain way, which could be the first step to further actions.

Of course, it is almost impossible to present all the countries, where Christians are living under difficult circumstances, and for this reason we are trying to highlight those places, where the help is almost immediately needed.

In the 21st century Christianity has never been more oppressed globally than ever before. As a result of that, we have to stand together in order to preserve, and what more, to profess the faith, for we have been given this amazing gift by God.

When someone gives us a gift, there’s also a response or at least we ought to say a simple „Thank you!”. Well, if we have nothing else, but prayers, than let’s pray for our family as we are part of the same body, the body of Jesus Christ.

How easier it is, living without knowing what happens around us, even if it is on another part of this world. Being disconnected is also a choice, but the Bible says: „Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalms 23,4). Behind these verses there are people just like us, dying for their faith.

Those numbers you’ll see, they are people, from the very same family. Therefore we should say a prayer for their safety and hereby we are asking you to do so as well.



Bence Dallos

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