Visit of Pope Francis to Hungary was a national-unifying
The analyst from the Hungarian social researcher Nézőpont Intézet said that it has a nation-unifying effect that transcends party political views that Hungary hosted Pope Francis.
According to a survey conducted by the Nézőpont Intézet, we learned that 77 percent of the respondents said they were happy about the pope’s visit, while only seven percent were less pleased, and twice that number either didn’t know or didn’t respond to the question. The rejection of the papal visit can be considered low, as three-quarters of Hungarians say they are happy about Pope Francis’ apostolic visit. Among supporters of the ruling party, 88 percent were pleased with the visit, and the 3 percent who were less happy fall within the margin of error.
Of the government-critical respondents, 69 percent answered that they were rather pleased with the pope’s visit. It is encouraging that those who are critical of the government, non-religious, or belong to other denominations positively evaluated Pope Francis’ visit. According to the institute, “there is no environment where those who evaluate it positively would not be in the majority.”
Source: MTI