House of Mary opened in Pakistan

The parish of St. Joseph Church in Tando Adam, Pakistan, has opened a centre to provide clothing to those in need. The institution got the name "House of Mary".
The name was given by the parish priest, who said:
“Our Mother Mary is everyone’s Mother, that is why we called it ‘The House of Mary’. The facility is open in our parish school of St. Joseph and addresses all the people who live in the surroundings, without any discrimination of religious faith, ethnicity, language, culture. Anyone in need can come and get their clothes, according to their needs. It is a totally free service, open every day, every afternoon.”
Most of those in need are immigrants from the province of Punjab and work jobs that do not pay enough for the workers to afford clothes. When the parish priest saw the needs of his community, he sought help from friends, priests, nuns, and laity. The support was so substantial that the “House of Mary” took form. The new parish of St. Joseph is off to a great start in supporting their community, and the community is ready to give back. The workforce of volunteers ensures the clothes are washed, ironed, and readily available to whoever is in need.
The future of the House of Mary will involve more than giving away clothes. The parish priest envisions starting a sewing centre in the parish to allow for young girls to learn the vocation and open opportunities for work.