World News

Facebook censors ACN’s campaign to help abused women

On the 11th of November, the Catholic Charity "Aid to a Church in Need" (ACN) UK noticed that Facebook had censored its ad campaign on tackling sexual violence against religious-minority women and girls. “Hear Her Cries” was the slogan of the campaign, which launched on the 24th of November


The campaign aimed to raise concern on a widespread problem in many African and Asian countries: the abduction of Christian girls and women for sexual violence by both armed extremists and militant members of other religious communities.

According to ACN, the social media platform censored the ads promoting a petition calling on the UK government to take action to tackle sexual violence against women from minority faiths in countries such as Egypt, Nigeria and Pakistan.

Due to the restrictions imposed on 11th November, ACN affirms that their campaign had 90% fewer reach, resulting in a loss of around 7,000 signatures of support. The restrictions also meant the campaign was not available on WhatsApp or Instagram. 


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