Salesians arrested in early November in Ethiopia have been released

Eight Salesians arrested more than ten days ago by the Ethiopian military forces have been released. Fourteen of them are still in detention. Among them, consecrated persons, fellow-officers, laity and employees.
In Ethiopia, the release of eight Salesians took place on Saturday the 13th of November. They were arrested along with fourteen other people on the 5th of November. All of Tigrayan origin, they were loaded into security force vans and taken to unidentified places. Working at an education center in the Gottera area of Addis Ababa, the capital, they were subjected to lengthy interrogation, apparently over the financial aspects of the school.
An Italian aid worker, also arrested on the 5th of November and released, told Fides that “these days have been complicated and very worrying”. The bishop of Hosaena, in the center of the country, Mgr Seyoum Fransua, and director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, expressed his joy for the release of these Salesian missionaries and hoped that the others still in detention would be released quickly. by federal authorities.
During their detention, these Salesians were questioned about the financial aspects of the school, as if the main reason for the arrest of the soldiers was economic interest. The context in which these arrests were made is indeed that of a country marked by a civil war which in one year caused thousands of deaths and more than 2.5 million displaced.