World News

Political scientist explains why Christianity is the most persecuted religion

In a collective work “The 21st century of Christianity”, published by Editions du Cerf, the political scientist Dominique Reynié explains the reasons for the deep persecutions experienced by Christians throughout the world - especially in the democracies and dictatorships of Asia, in the Muslims and the Middle East.


“Christianity […] is particularly targeted because it is indeed the bearer of the separation of politics and religion. It would give civil societies a greater capacity to control their states, which many of the powers in place obviously do not want”.

He also theorises the threats to the free and Christian world. “Two models oppose both Christianity and the democratic order. One, Islamism, opposes the separation of politics from religion, or, to put it another way, of power and civil society. Religion is compulsory, it is forbidden to change or renounce it. It is the framework of a theocracy.

The other model, Chinese communism, does not admit the autonomy of religions and therefore seeks to control them as closely as possible, even planning the destruction of Uyghur Muslims. The head of state of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, does not recognise either the notion of “civil society”, that is to say an autonomous body critical of the power in place.

There is a third model. It threatens democracy more specifically than Christianity, but it is less elaborate in my mind: the web, the digital world gives rise to fear of a kind of digital political theology. The “social networks”, Amazon or Netflix are private companies which are very sensitive to planetary movements, especially when the religion of one or the other is considered blasphemed by a few. For example, there is a risk that Amazon, Facebook or Google will one day be sensitive to a petition bringing together millions of people leading these companies to take a stand in favor of a religion. Corporate power could then give birth to a private theocracy ”.


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