Another minor girl is forced to marry her rapist in Pakistan

The fourteen-year-old Christian girl was working in a medicine factory because her school was closed down due to COVID-19 restrictions. Her rapist was a married man who was working in the factory as a security guard.
The fourteen-year-old Christian girl named Shama worked in a medicine factory when she was harassed by a forty-year-old married Muslim man called Muhammad Ikhtiyar Mullah. The man worked in the hospital as a security guard and asked the girl many times to marry him.
The girl told her mother what happened at her workplace. Her mother said that they could do nothing against it as Christians and suggested that her daughter stay at home and not go back to work. After the girl did not show up for work, the security guard started to harass and threaten her on the phone. The girls’ family attempted to file a police complaint; no action was taken because the plaintiffs were Christians.
Finally, on the 1st of July, Muhammad Ikhtiyar and his accomplices attacked the Christian family, tortured the parents and kidnapped the girl. He then raped the girl and forced her to marry him. On the featured image, you can see the couple with the marriage certificate in their hands, a document that protects the man at every instance and makes it impossible for the girl to return to her parents.
Source: Stop Persecution of Christians Facebook group