World News

Pakistani Christian girl forced to convert to Islam and kept as a slave cook

A Muslim couple in Pakistan’s Punjab province forcibly converted a thirteen-year-old Christian girl to Islam so that she could work as a cook in their kitchen and touch utensils and food items. Now they are refusing to allow her to return home to her parents unless they pay a ransom, according to a report.


The Muslim man, identified only as a medical doctor named Altaf, recently told the parents of Neha, the Christian teenager, that she had embraced Islam and he and his wife were keeping her as their servant, the UK-based nonprofit Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement said in a statement Thursday about the abduction.

A 2014 study by The Movement for Solidarity and Peace Pakistan estimated that about one thousand women and girls from Pakistan’s Hindu and Christian communities were abducted, forcibly married to their captor, and forcibly converted to Islam every year.


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