World News

“Solidarity in Freedom” is theme of USCCB Religious Freedom Week

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops invites Catholics “to pray, reflect and act to promote religious freedom” during Religious Freedom Week, which is set take place from the 22nd until the 29th of June. The theme of the event is “Solidarity in Freedom.”


The first day of the observance is the feast of two English martyrs who fought religious persecution, Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher. The week includes the Nativity of St. John the Baptist on the 24th od June and ends with the feast of two apostles martyred in Rome — Sts. Peter and Paul.

The USCCB resources aim “to help people understand religious liberty from a Catholic perspective, pray about particular issues and act on what they learn by advocating for policies that promote religious freedom,” the news release said.

“Through prayer, education and public action during Religious Freedom Week, the USCCB hopes to promote the essential right of religious freedom for Catholics and for those of all faiths,” it added.

Catholics can connect with the USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty by texting FREEDOM to 84576 to sign up for First Freedom News, the committee’s monthly newsletter


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