World News

Seven Hong Kong Catholic churches threatened over Holy Mass

On the 3rd of June, seven Hong Kong Catholic churches that were planning to hold mass in remembrance of the victims of Tiananmen Massacre had threatening signs posted in front of their churches.


On June 4, 1989, thousands of Chinese citizens demanding freedom and democracy were slaughtered in Beijing by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). For decades, people in Hong Kong have taken to the streets to commemorate Chinese people’s sacrifice and call for democratization. However, with the passing of the National Security Law in 2020, Hong Kong people have been discouraged from participating in any activities mourning the 4th of June. 

On Thursday, signs warning the Catholic authorities not to celebrate mass for Tiananmen appeared in front of seven Catholic churches. According to the banners, public functions in remembrance of the events of June 1989 would violate the draconian law on national security.

Asia News reports that the posters also featured the image of Cardinal Joseph Zen, former bishop of Hong Kong and well-known supporter of the democratic front. Words such as “cult invades faith” and “false prophet” appeared next to Zen’s face.


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