News from Europe

Trust Fund CEO fired over rented space fort traditional church

The CEO of Scotland's largest grant-making trust, Kenneth Ferguson, has been fired for allowing the Stirling Free Church to rent Trust premises. Robertson Trusts Chairwoman Shonaig Macpherson is accused of having shammed and humiliated the organisation's CEO, over his link to the Stirling Free Church and their biblical views on marriage. A ruling in the case is expected soon.


After Chairwoman Shonaig Macpherson learned from an existing renting contract between the Roberston Trusts’ CEO and the Stirling Free Church, where he is an elder, allowing them to rent Trust premises in November 2019, she fired the Trusts’ CEO, Kenneth Ferguson. 

It is reported that after Macpherson learned from the church’s view on same-sex marriage, the rental agreement was terminated. Following disciplinary proceedings against Ferguson, although he did not participate in the rental negotiations. 

During a tribunal hearing on the 10th of May, the Trust’s former Head of Social Investment Katie Campbell gave evidence of Macpherson shunning Ferguson. She stated that Chairwoman Macpherson sat with her back to him during a meeting in January and “muttered whenever he chose to speak”, stating further that “other people commented on it”. Campbell also accused Macpherson of muzzling Mr Fergusons’ attempt to address his colleagues at that meeting.


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