Young Europeans strive to make their continent more pro-life

A group of young pro-lifers is growing in Europe, as more Europeans from ages eighteen to thirt-five are recognising the value of human rights for all. However, the continent still has some of the most extreme laws on abortion and euthanasia, and four in five of the youth there justify them in some or all cases.
Within the first two years of being founded, ProLife Europe has grown to thirty-five student groups in ten countries. They’ve also trained hundreds of students to change hearts and save lives for life.
All donations to ProLife Europe’s LifeFunder campaign will go towards training young people to reach out to their peers, and to create handouts and videos to educate those who need to learn the truth. Your gift will make it possible to engage and equip pro-life students who will multiply the message of life across Europe and the world!
ProLife Europe’s work is essential to form a new generation of Europeans that cherish and respect the dignity of every person. Young people are often targeted by the abortion industry, but are also those most likely to change their heart and recognize the value of life. To create a world without abortion, these young pro-life leaders in Europe are raising their voices for those without a voice.
Visit the LifeFunder campaign page here to donate.
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