Indian news outlets respond negatively to 2021 USCIRF report
As the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) launched its 2021 report with a list of recommendations for Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) and Special Watch List (SWL), Indian press responded with varied criticism of the commission and its report.
Some outlets touted conspiracy theories about Islamist outfits penetrating USCIRF, claiming that Islamist influence was somehow behind USCIRF’s recommendation that the US State Department list India as a CPC for its systematic and ongoing violations of religious freedom.
This is the second year that the bipartisan commission has recommended India be designated as a CPC. The report offered ample evidence showing increasing levels of persecution against Christians, Muslims, and other religious minorities in India.
Although the recommendation for CPC was not adopted by the Trump administration last year, the Biden administration will consider the recommendation and make its determination by the end of the year. Many organizations hope that Biden will choose to stand with the religious minorities of India and make the CPC designation for India.