Police and church members pray together after hurricane devastates Honduras

In a powerful display of faith, local police officers and church members cry out to God as Hurricane Iota made landfall in Honduras this week.
Honduras, alongside neighbouring Central American countries, are still reeling from Eta’s effects while Iota deals further damage to the region and its people.
According to Premier Christian News, the National Police of Honduras (Policía Nacional de Honduras) tweeted footage of a large group of officers and church members praying together as they stand on a bridge over the Ulúa river in the Pimienta municipality of Cortés, Honduras.
“Prayer with faith by police officers and members of churches, in the flow of the Ulúa River, in Pimienta, Cortés,” the translated tweet reads.
Source: christianheadlines.com
#TormentaTropicalIOTA ⛈ | Oración con fe por parte de funcionarios policiales y miembros de iglesias, en el caudal del río Ulúa, en Pimienta #Cortés pic.twitter.com/JEDaAWzjUu
— Policía Nacional de Honduras (@PoliciaHonduras) November 17, 2020