World News

Chuck Norris criticises North Americans for their views on abortion

Chuck Norris strongly criticised the Americans and Canadians in a recent article published on the website. On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion in The US, the "Texas Ranger" pointed an accusing finger at North Americans for "caring more about the use of plastic straws than human life".


Chuck Norris referred to a recent public opinion poll in Canada showing that protecting the environment is more important than protecting human life for Canadian citizens. “It is incredible what modern people consider more important than human life,” Norris wrote.

In Canada, as much as fifty-one per cent of citizens believe that the use of plastic straws is always or usually morally wrong. However, only twenty-six per cent have such a belief about killing unborn children, and twenty per cent regarding euthanasia or assisted suicide.

“So someone can euthanise their elderly mother or kill a child in an abortion, but feel like a good person because they use a bamboo straw, not a plastic one,” he wrote.

He added that even if the survey concerns Canadian citizens, it is certainly not better in the United States, after so many years of legalising the murder of children.


Image: Karen Neal/CBS via Getty Images

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