Christian church robbed and profaned in Mexico
The Christ King Chaplaincy in the Diocese of Gómez Palacio, in the Mexican state of Durango, was robbed and desecrated, early in the morning of the 13th of October.
The thieves were unable to take the tabernacle that contained the consecrated hosts, and left it lying on the floor. This blasphemous act was discovered in the afternoon of the same day when a Mass was about to be held in the church.
According to Fr. Juan Fernando Arellano Villegas, the chaplain of the church, the robbers broke into the church to obtain money and valuable objects.
The priest highlighted that, even though initially the faithful reacted with indignation and anger, they decided to forgive the vandals and pray for their souls.
The perpetrators still have not been found, and no information is forthcoming about their identity.
Source, photo: Acidigital