World News

USA: Statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux was decapitated

Saint Therese of Lisieux was the latest victim of the vandal attacks in the US. Her statue in Midvale, in the State of Utah, was removed from its pedestal and decapitated. The vandal attack took place on the 14th of September.


According to Fox TV, it is going to be difficult to identify the perpetrators, as there were no eye-witnesses of the attack.

“In the middle of the night, the statue of Saint Therese of the Baby Jesus, located in front of our church was knocked down, and damaged. We are in contact with the local police. Please, pray for the person, who committed this attack, to come back and get the help that he needs. This is a painful situation. We will inform you as soon as we have any new information. Saint Therese, pray for us!”, the parish said in a statement to its faithful.

The diocese has already started to raise money to repair the damages. Cecilia López, director of Religious Education of the parish, told Fox TV that after the violent decapitation of the statue, the faithful do not feel safe in the church.

Recently, some people in the United States declared a war against Catholic statues, because they represent  “white superiority”. The Catholic Church distances itself from any kind of racism but did not express its opinion in connection with the killing of  George Floyd. Probably, that is why extremist BLM activists target the statues of important Saints of the Church.


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