Asian Bishops join the appeal for global truce amid pandemic
The Bishops of Asia have joined the call of the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres and Pope Francis, for a global ceasefire in the face of the unprecedented reality of the coronavirus pandemic.
“The whole planet is in crisis. The pandemic’s consequences are catastrophic for public health and for social and economic life. If we genuinely wish Myanmar to emerge a united, peaceful, prosperous people, now is the time for a speedy, aggressive, respectful decision. Now is the time for wise, coherent, future-oriented action.
“This is no time to escalate the conflict, but to end the disease of war that is devastating our world.”
This is what Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon and President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference explained to Agenzia Fides, as he joined the worldwide appeal of Pope Francis and UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, for a global truce in times of the coronavirus.
“The fury of the virus illustrates the madness of war,” confirmed the Cardinal, quoting António Guterres and agreeing to launch an appeal to “stop armed conflicts and focus on the real struggle for our lives.”
The message remembers and praises the nations that, in various parts of the world, have responded positively to this call. Cameroon, the Philippines, Yemen and Syria urged all armed groups to lay down arms and clothe themselves with sincerity and truth” and take “the most difficult path of overcoming differences face to face with courage and intelligence.”
Pope Francis re-launches the UN appeal: all conflicts should stop in the face of the pandemic
See full article here.
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