World News

Coronavirus increases the temptation among doctors to “practice euthanasia”

Some French and Spanish doctors admitted they are tempted to apply euthanasia to elderly people instead of looking after them. They explain that they are exhausted by their work and worried about the lack of appropriate equipment and medicines to take care of all the patients.


The lack of supply of morphine and midazolam, which soothes the suffering of patients in severe condition can lead to the temptation to use euthanasia, warned, Dr. Bernard Devalois, a French palliative care specialist. 

“All people are entitled to medical care, even those whose lives are at risk” commented Michael Robinson from the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.

“Very often euthanasia and assisted suicide are presented as substitutes for authentic healthcare and treatment. Circumstances such as these show how easily this can become a reality, “said Robinson.” Patients cannot be abandoned under any circumstances, and we must not lose sight of our humanity. “

It is worth mentioning that U.S. hospitals are discussing “do not resuscitate” orders for coronavirus patients, “regardless of the wishes of the patient or their family members.”


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