News from Europe

190,000 Poles complain about the “political activity” of a priest to Pope Francis

Polish diplomat Thomas Lukaszuk sent a petition to the Vatican regarding the activities Polish priest Tadeusz Rydzyk. The letter titled "Appeal to curtail Tadeusz Rydzyk's political activity" gathered 190,000 signatures. Tadeusz Rydzyk has repeatedly been accused of getting too involved in Polish politics and accumulating money for his personal benefit.


The assessor of the general affairs section at the Vatican Secretariat Luigi Roberto Cona wrote back to Lukaszuk in one sentence. “I was instructed to inform you that the concerns raised in your letter to His Holiness Pope Francis were noted.”

“I am glad that the Secretariat of the Vatican State has been instructed to officially acknowledge the matter, but I am counting on its commitment to make specific decisions regarding Father Rydzyk. That is why I sent the correspondence to the Holy Father again,” commented Thomas Łukaszuk.

The petitioners are not as optimistic as Łukaszuk. They claim that the Pope did not even read their letter. “We do not believe that the Pope personally read our letter. Luigi Roberto Cony’s answer says nothing and is devious. The situation is probably the same as in the case of Bishop Paetz: complaints about homosexual harassment he committed were hidden in the Vatican archives, one of them said.

The petitioners demand Tadeusz Rydzyk “to stop his political activity and restore the religious character of his radio and television.”



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