World News

USA: seven pro-lifers arrested for praying in front of an abortion centre

On Monday, seven pro-life activists belonging to the Love Life organisation were arrested in Greensboro, North Carolina, for praying in front of an abortion centre. The terrible practice of abortion continues in many such places, despite the strict public safety measures that have been taken in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the police, they violated Guilford County’s obligation to stay at home, except for essential needs. The group of pro-lifers tried to save human lives while at the same time obeying “social distance” orders, maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet (less than 2 metres) between themselves.

“They exercised their rights under the First Amendment: to gather and practice their religious beliefs,” commented Steve Noble from a local radio station who witnessed the arrest.

Although abortions are not essential or life-saving, many states allow abortion facilities to operate during the coronavirus pandemic. The battle for the lives of the unborn continues…


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