Measures against coronavirus complicate church attendance in Central Europe

In Austria, a maximum of one hundred people can participate in services held in closed rooms, and a maximum of five hundred people in open spaces - said the president of the episcopate of this country, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
In an interview with the Austrian Catholic agency Kathpress on March 10, 2020, Cardinal Schönborn noted that the Catholic Church in this country follows the government’s recommendations in the fight against coronavirus and adheres to them, among others in all manifestations of his activities and services. He added that local priests were responsible for following these instructions in their territories.
In the Czech Republic, the government has banned all gatherings involving over one hundred people. This also applies to services and pilgrimages – the Czech Episcopal Conference announced.
The episcopate of Slovakia issued a total ban of Masses with the participation of the faithful until March 23, 2020.