Go to Mass for someone who can’t

Material contribution is necessary to help Christian organizations in the field, however, prayer is just as much as important, says Aid to the Church in Need.
As part of their ongoing campaign, ACN asks to #Go2Mass and give an hour of your time and pray for a persecuted Christian.
Our #Go2Mass campaign is about interceding for those suffering injustice, assault, kidnap, forced conversion, torture and death and answering Pope Francis’ call to pray for the persecuted. Give an hour of your time and #Go2Mass for a suffering Christian > https://t.co/GacfyuhwAf pic.twitter.com/k0twUDldub
— Aid to the Church (@acn_uk) January 16, 2020
For those who would like to participate in the campaign, this short guide of ACN can be of help:
- Go to a Mass you wouldn’t normally go to. If you already go on Sundays go to an extra Mass in the week. If you don’t go on a Sunday, go then.
- Offer the Mass for all persecuted Christians/a particular person being persecuted/a country e.g. North Korea, Syria, Nigeria etc.
- Share your #Go2Mass post – Take a selfie outside the Church and share your post using #Go2Mass
Bring hope to the persecuted Church with trust in the transforming love of Jesus, which through the Eucharist is an “intimate explosion of good conquering evil [that] can then trigger off the series of transformations that little by little will change the world.” Be part of this wave of prayer and make the ‘Go to Mass for Someone Who Can’t’ the real news of Jesus’ victory of love over hate.
Photo: Christian holding the beheaded statue of the Sacred Heart – by Daesh (ISIS) – in St Addai Church, Iraq (Aid to the Church in Need)