An Iraqi Christian who said Jesus appeared to him twice in his dreams recounts being imprisoned by ISIS, tortured and burned three times by the terrorist group. The man, a Yazidi, recounts his harrowing story in a documentary by Sean Feucht and Bethel Music.
“The Yazidis… were really targeted by ISIS for genocide…they were raped, they were beaten, they were executed,” Sean Feucht author and founder of a grassroots global worship, prayer and missions organization called Burn 24/7 told Fox News. “ISIS didn’t even want to imprison them, they just wanted to kill them, wipe them off the map.”
Feucht interviewed the man, who was not named, through his non-profit, Light A Candle Project, which goes into all parts of the world but primarily Iraq, where the Islamic State was at the height of its brutality, to help people who’ve experienced some of the world’s worst suffering.
The Iraqi Christian’s story is one account from the upcoming documentary film “Hearts and Hands: Iraq” that is expected to be released later this year. Here is a short trailer that shows the interview with the man saved by Jesus from being burned alive. The short film contains some incredible parts of the interview, it is worth watching.
Sources: Youtube, Seanfeucht.com, Fox News