Boko Haram Kill Eleven in Northern Cameroon

Boko Haram attacked a village in the Tchakamari area of Northern Cameroon on Friday night 11 April. During the attack, the terrorists killed 11 civilians and burned down most of the village. Those murdered included both children and the elderly.
This attack shows that the group still has the ability and strength to conduct attacks not only in Nigeria but across international borders. They have in recent months been able to attack civilian populations, army strongholds and retake territory.
The Nigerian government continues to claim that they have defeated Boko Haram, but they have not actually done more than push them back slightly.
Due to attacks like these, Niger and Cameroon have joined in the fight. The coalition is still trying to end the bloody campaign by Boko Haram that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced many more.
Source: Persecution