The Portuguese Parliament condemns the persecution of Christians around the world

On the 25th of January, the Portuguese Parliament unanimously approved an appeal to the United Nations outlining the “condemnation of Christian persecution and solidarity with persecuted people” around the world.
This appeal demonstrates the Portuguese Republic’s “deep preoccupation about the increase of Christian and other religious persecution,” especially in the Middle-East and in Africa. The communique states that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world with only one other community that comes close—the Rohingya community in Myanmar and then emphasises that:
“The world cannot be indifferent in the face of the sufferings of persecuted Christians.”
In addition, the Assembly of the Republic manifests its solidarity with every victim who suffers because of their faith and also condemns all violent acts, discrimination, and intolerance against them.
According to the Portuguese deputies, it is unacceptable to be punished for being a Christian or indeed any other faith. By introducing this appeal to the assembly of the United Nations, they want to call the attention of Western society to this problem.
On another note, in a declaration to the ACN foundation, the Portuguese deputy, Ana Rita Bessa highlighted that, while Portugal is still a Christian country there are many places in Africa and in the Middle-East where Christians are persecuted, and that is the reason why it is important to call the attention to the plight of the persecuted.
Hopefully, this initiative from the part of the Portuguese government will encourage the other Western countries to care more about the persecuted Christians.
Source: Acidigital