News from Europe

British Schools to Teach “All Genders” Can Have Menstrual Periods

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In the latest triumph of transgenderism, a school district in southern England will begin teaching grade-schoolers that “all genders” can have menstrual periods.

“Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods,” reads the advice to teachers from the Brighton and Hove City Council. In other words, females who deny their biological sex will nevertheless experience physical symptoms of being female as they mature.
Such sentiments, however, cannot be expressed directly, particularly in bastions of extreme progressivism such as Brighton, so they are couched in the language of transgenderism, and students are then indoctrinated into believing that males can have periods.

Tory MP David Davis, a British Conservative Party politician, told the Mail On Sunday it was “insanity” for teachers to be explaining the concept of transgender boys having periods to eight-year-olds.

He said: “Learning about periods is already a difficult subject for children that age, so to throw in the idea girls who believe they are boys also have periods will leave them completely confused.”

Stephanie Davies-Arai, founder of Transgender Trend, which combats the transgender movement, said, “Girls going through puberty are already having a difficult time. What they should be given is clear language to be able to talk about their bodies and their female biological functions without couching it in politically correct terms.”

And feminist Julie Bindel declared, “To tell impressionable children that boys can also menstruate sidelines girls who should be getting support when they start their periods.”

Of course, the entire transgender campaign is about sidelining normal boys and girls in deference to a few who are uncomfortable in their own skin — the Brighton council says normal students who are skittish about sharing changing rooms with trans students should be given “alternative” arrangements to avoid stigmatizing trans students — and growing the ranks of transgenders so they can exert even more influence. Such insanity needs to come to a full stop, period.

Source: Mirror, New American

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